Lake County is a beautiful place to live but the things that make it beautiful – the lake, the mountains, and the wide-open spaces – also make it a challenging place to live for anyone who lacks their own vehicle, or the ability to drive. Aging adults and those with disabilities are particularly likely to face mobility challenges that can cause isolation and make it hard for them to access medical care, shop for groceries, pick up medications, or simply get out of the house to enjoy companionship and the beauty that surrounds them.

Lake Links ~ CTSA
Lake Links is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that serves as the Consolidated Transportation Service Agency (CTSA) for Lake County, California. The primary responsibility of the CTSA is to assist with the coordination of social service transportation services to increase the number of alternative transportation options available for seniors, disabled persons, and low-income individuals.
At Lake Links, we are working to coordinate transportation resources in the county to meet your mobility needs in the most appropriate, efficient, and cost-effective way possible.